Thursday, June 11, 2009

Catching Up

Do we ever really get caught up?
I keep trying, then I could have a day off.
But if I take a day off then I will be behind again.
It is the vicious circle we call life. We have put so much pressure on ourselves that we cannot or will not stop and rest and just be.
But we have so much to do.

I will go to work today and try to get caught up. But I promise to take a moment here and there to smell my roses, pet my cats, play with my dogs, and commune with my God.

Oh, and water the garden, and the lawn and flowers, vacuum and tidy up my studio. Do the dishes and take out the trash, and finish the laundry, and cook dinner. Oh, and finish the quilt on the rack and add a new one.

Wow, gotta go. I need to catch up! Maybe then I could have a day off.... :)

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