Thursday, July 26, 2012

Project Saturday~Sew n' Sew for July

It was Donnas turn to pick the project.  Wow, what a fun and great project!  And we had quite a group of sewers too!
As you can see there were six of us and we had a fun, fun, fun, day!  Some of us even completed more than one bag. (not me, but 3 of the above finished one and at least started on another). :)

This is Donnas very own pattern and she sells the pattern and mini kits.  She also sells the mesh and other stuff needed.

This is one side of my bag.  I drew the turtles for my bag.  The flip flops are Donnas design.
What a cute bag for the beach or mountains or just everyday to make you think you are on vacation.
And they are very sturdy!  Cant wait to take mine to Hawaii, it has already been to the mountains!
Sew Much Fun!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Junes Project Saturday

OOppps!  out of sewquence here :)
Junes  Sew n' Sew was PHD's, projects half done.  I know the usual term is UFO's , unfinished objects, but I like the sound of PHD's better.  Instead of being fragmented or scattered I sound smart :)
Sew here you have it.
Amanda worked on hers, and yes, you are seeing her squares right.  She loves her miniatures!

Donna worked on hers, and she also got the border on this.  Looks great Donna.

And I continued on my Opus.  Yes, it is a spiral Lonestar that I started at Asilomar in my friend, Jan Krentz's class.  I started this in 2004, and got all the points done, but the paper pieced squares threw me for a loop!  I did three of them correct, messed one up, and put it away for years.  I plan on going to Asilomar in March with this done to show Jan sew I better get busy and finish it up.  I stopped when I was unsewing more than I was sewing.  But it is time to bite the bobbin and just do it!

Sew next Project Saturday is August 4th and we will be making sewing machine covers!  Amandas choice.

July's Project Saturday

Wow, half way through the year already.  Times fun when you are having flies...oops!  That is what my toad tells me all the time :)   But time is fleeting.  Are you enjoying the moments?  I am still learning to do that.  To just be and enjoy the moments.
And to take breaks!  My biggest break in the month is Project Saturday ~ Sew N' Sew!  I love it.  I know that I should be working, but instead I am sewing and having fun with my friends.  And we have a finished project after each Saturday!  Sew, I really am accomplishing something, :) but I am also taking a break from my longarming (of which I am still behind).
This months project was chosen by Donna.  This is her very own design and pattern.  And she also sells kits and fabric to go with it.   Oh my thimbles!  This was too much fun!
And the bags turned out so cute and fun!  What a great day!
Thank you Donna!